Skin Thief: Stories

SKIN THIEF: STORIESONE OF BOOK RIOT’S BEST BOOKS OF 2023The stories in this collection of dark fantasy and horror short stories grapple with the complexities of identity, racism, homophobia, immigration, oppression and patriarchy through nature, gothic hauntings, Trinidadian folklore and shape shifting. At the heart of the collection lie the questions: how do we learn to accept ourselves? How do we live in our own skin?Cover illustration by Mia Minnis. Cover design by dave ring.


COUNTESS: September 10th 2024 ECW PRESS

Cover of Countess with the protagonist Captain Virika Sameroo standing on a purple planet in front of a purple moon.

A queer Caribbean anti-colonial Count of Monte Cristo set in space in which a betrayed captain seeks revenge on the interplanetary empire that subjugated her people for generationsVirika Sameroo lives in colonized space under the Æerbot Empire, much like her ancestors before her in the British West Indies. After years of working hard to rise through the ranks of the empire’s merchant marine, she’s finally become first lieutenant on an interstellar cargo vessel.When her captain dies under suspicious circumstances, Virika is arrested for murder and charged with treason despite her lifelong loyalty to the empire. Her conviction and subsequent imprisonment set her on a path of revenge, determined to take down the evil empire that wronged her, all while the fate of her people hangs in the balance.Available September 10, 2024.

Short StoriesApolépisi: A De-Scaling - Lightspeed Magazine - October 2022Douen - The Dark Magazine - March 2022Nebula Award nominationAurora Award nominationWorld Fantasy Award nominationThe Bride - Unfettered Hexes - Neon Hemlock PurchaseOf Claw and Bone - The Dark Magazine - May 2021 ReadLaughter Among the Trees - The Dark Magazine - February 2021.Nebula Award nominationWSFA Small Press Award nominationHer Voice, Unmasked - Weird Horror Undertow Publications - October 2020  PurchaseTara's Mother's Skin - PseudoPod - August 2020Personal Rakshasi - November 2019 - Fireside MagazineThe Pull of the Herd - August 2018 Anathema: Spec From the MarginsReprinted by PodCastle April 2019.Translated into Spanish by Sofia Barker for Pulpture Editiones.  PurchaseTessellated - April 2018 The Colored Lens #26 - Winter 2018.Propagating Peonies - March 2018 PodCastle: Artemis Rising 4Bloody Therapy - March 2017 Diabolical Plots ReadNon Fiction:"The Un-manored Gothic" Nightmare Magazine: The H-Word Read"Oral Story Telling and Culture as Personal Canon" Fantasy Magazine June 1, 2022"Death and Wednesday" The Deadlands May 2021 Read


Suzan Palumbo is a Trinidadian - Canadian, dark speculative fiction writer and editor. Her short stories have been nominated for the Nebula, Aurora and World Fantasy awards. She also co-founded the Ignyte Awards with L.D. Lewis. Her debut dark fantasy/horror short story collection "Skin Thief: Stories" is out now from Neon Hemlock and her novella "Countess" will be published by ECW Press 2024. Her writing has been published in Lightspeed Magazine, Fantasy, The Deadlands, The Dark Magazine, PseudoPod, Fireside Fiction Quarterly, PodCastle, Anathema: Spec Fic from the Margins and other venues. She is officially represented by Michael Curry of the Donald Maass Literary Agency and can be found on instagram @gothicsyntax. When she isn’t writing, she can be found sketching, listening to new wave or wandering her local misty forests.


Suzan tweets at suzan@sillysyntax. You can also find her on Instagram @ gothicsyntax and on Bluesky @ sillysyntax.bsky.socialIf you'd like get in contact with her you can do so using the form below!All licensing, film and television rights inquiries should be directed to her agent, Michael Curry of The Donald Maas Literary Agency: [email protected]Blurb requests: I am currently closed to new blurb requests
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